Today is TUE-Cool!

If this Tuesday morning street fought my Monday morning yesterday, it would win hands down! Then it would go take a shower in glory. Or maybe chocolate pudding because today is National Chocolate Pudding Day. It was a good morning and here are some reasons why::

1. This guy exists. His photographs have found some beautiful landscapes and interiors and cute kids. Here are some of the ones I really like::

2. Chris Burch is the race director for the Des Moines Marathon. He is a friendly guy who let me volunteer in place of a steep ol’ race fee last year. And today he e-mailed me again offering the same deal! What a pal! I guess this means I may be running the 26.2 again in October. But we’ll see.

3. I listened to some free music here. And discovered the newest song from Purity Ring. Hook me up with the freakin album already…am I right or am I right?

4. I was again impressed by how creative my friends are. They are too cool. Whether its working wonders with a camera, guitar, basketball, or pen, I’m continuously amazed by the gifts I get to see everyday.  My friend Andrew made this video here and I love it. Please watch and become jealous of his life for a moment. And then stop, because no one like a jelly belly.

5. THEN I got to say TUE-cool in this post! Not very often do I get to be so funny, because it’s only Tuesday once a week!

I hope your day has been nothin but good.

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